Mt Albert Bridge Club Draft Constitution

The Government has passed the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, which updated the previous 1908 Act. As an incorporated society, our club is bound by the provisions of this Act.  All existing incorporated societies are required to re-register under the new Act by 5 April 2026 and if they fail to do so they will cease to exist as legal entities. Re-registration requires us to update our constitution to meet the requirements of the new Act. As our existing constitution, which was written in 1970, is outdated in many respects, the Committee decided that this is an appropriate time to rewrite and modernise it, rather than to simply amend the existing document to meet the new requirements.

We have therefore written a draft new constitution for the Club, using the “constitution builder” on the website of the Registrar of Incorporated Societies as a guide. The draft has been legally reviewed to confirm compliance with the requirements of the 2022 Act.  A brief consultation document that contains explanatory notes, and highlights questions that members may wish to consider as they review the document and prepare their comments.