These lessons are for those new to bridge and run in the morning and evenings on a Wednesday. Learners are welcome to attend either of these lessons or both.
For those that will be starting the lessons for the first time, the price will be $100, for existing members the price is $50. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or internet banking. To pay via internet banking please contact us for our bank details
Things we will be covering off in the lessons are:
1-Level Opening Bids
Responder’s Limit Bids
Responder’s New Suit Bids
Balanced Hands Lesson
Responder’s Rebids
Takeout Double
Pre-emptive Openings
Strong Opening Bids
The lessons are run in two blocks throughout the year.
Block One: Commencing 6th March 2024.
Block Two Details: Commencing on the 26th June 2024.